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Roof Moisture Survey Services

Customized Solutions for Accurate Roof Testing
Save money by targeting only necessary repairs.
Get the most thorough and accurate information possible
Benefit from over 40 years of roof testing expertise.

Why Choose Infrared, Nuclear, and Capacitance Testing?

There's no ‘one size fits all’ approach to accurate roof testing. You need a comprehensive suite of testing methods to ensure you identify every potential issue, regardless of your roof's unique characteristics.
infrared roof map

Get a customized roof testing solution tailored to your specific roofing assembly.

Our Roof Moisture Surveys utilize state-of-the-art instruments to reveal the true internal condition of the assembly. These proven, non-destructive techniques help building owners save millions by reducing maintenance, repair and replacement costs.

When you choose IR Analyzers, you're partnering with the most experienced roof moisture testing firm in the U.S. Our testing helps you:

  • Target moisture issues for strategic, less costly repairs.
  • Identify dry areas suitable for conservation.
  • Optimize specifications for more competitive bidding on repairs and replacements.
  • Reduce energy loss caused by wet insulation.

With over 40 years of experience and cutting-edge tools, we provide the most reliable roof moisture testing results nationwide. We also comply with industry standards such as ASTM C1153 and D7954 and ANSI/SPRI/RCI NT-1 for guaranteed accuracy. 

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dec scanner schematic

Comprehensive Roof Moisture Testing Methods

Our unique, multi-technology approaches ensure the most thorough and accurate results for your specific roofing system. It takes all three test types to accurately assess the thousands of different roof assemblies. 

We carefully evaluate which test, or often a combination of tests, will achieve the most accurate results for your roof. For instance, many assemblies that respond well to Nuclear or Capacitance testing can never be accurately tested with an Infrared Camera alone.

1. Nuclear Roof Moisture Surveys
Nuclear Roof Moisture Surveys use neutron technology to detect hidden moisture deep within the roof system, making them ideal for ballasted and multi-layer roofs. This is the most effective solution for roofing systems where infrared technology is not able to detect moisture near the bottom of the system.
EFVM is one of the most advanced and effective methods for flat roof leak detection. It works by applying an electrical current across the roof membrane to identify any breaches. When combined with our roof leak detection equipment, EFVM can quickly and precisely locate any points of water entry for immediate repairs and retesting to confirm a watertight installation.
2. Capacitance Roof Moisture Surveys
For non-conductive roofing materials, we offer Capacitance Roof Moisture Surveys—a fast and accurate solution for roofs where other testing methods are unable to produce accurate results. These tests use electrical capacitance meters to detect moisture levels and identify dry sections suitable for conservation.
EFVM is one of the most advanced and effective methods for flat roof leak detection. It works by applying an electrical current across the roof membrane to identify any breaches. When combined with our roof leak detection equipment, EFVM can quickly and precisely locate any points of water entry for immediate repairs and retesting to confirm a watertight installation.
3. Infrared Roof Moisture Surveys
Infrared roof moisture surveys offer a non-destructive way to detect moisture issues in flat or low-slope roofs. This thermal imaging technique pinpoints water damage without requiring invasive measures, helping you focus your repairs on the areas that need it most.
EFVM is one of the most advanced and effective methods for flat roof leak detection. It works by applying an electrical current across the roof membrane to identify any breaches. When combined with our roof leak detection equipment, EFVM can quickly and precisely locate any points of water entry for immediate repairs and retesting to confirm a watertight installation.

Ensure Success on Your Roofing Projects

IR Analyzers' top-quality Roof Moisture Surveys have saved building owners hundreds of millions of dollars. Our professional inspections can substantially reduce your roof repair and replacement costs by:

  • Targeting problem areas for effective repair
  • Creating money-saving replacement options
  • Identifying sound roof sections for conservation
  • Improving specifications to reduce unexpected contingency costs

When you partner with us, you receive in-depth, unbiased, third-party information that all industry stakeholders need to manage roof systems effectively.

nuclear scanning process

Don't let hidden moisture issues compromise your roof. With our customized roof moisture surveys, you can get the most thorough and accurate testing available.

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