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When you choose IR Analyzers, you're partnering with the most experienced roof moisture testing firm in the U.S. Our testing helps you:
With over 40 years of experience and cutting-edge tools, we provide the most reliable roof moisture testing results nationwide. We also comply with industry standards such as ASTM C1153 and D7954 and ANSI/SPRI/RCI NT-1 for guaranteed accuracy.
Our unique, multi-technology approaches ensure the most thorough and accurate results for your specific roofing system. It takes all three test types to accurately assess the thousands of different roof assemblies.
We carefully evaluate which test, or often a combination of tests, will achieve the most accurate results for your roof. For instance, many assemblies that respond well to Nuclear or Capacitance testing can never be accurately tested with an Infrared Camera alone.
IR Analyzers' top-quality Roof Moisture Surveys have saved building owners hundreds of millions of dollars. Our professional inspections can substantially reduce your roof repair and replacement costs by:
When you partner with us, you receive in-depth, unbiased, third-party information that all industry stakeholders need to manage roof systems effectively.