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Nuclear Roof Moisture Surveys

Detect Moisture Damage Deeper 
with Precision Technology
Pinpoint water damage in a wide range of roofing systems.
Detect moisture deeper than other testing methods.
Comply with (TAS) 126-95 and ANSI/SPRI/RCI NT-1 standards.

You Need to Know the True Internal Condition of Your Roof

Is your roof hiding deep moisture damage that other testing methods might miss? Our advanced Nuclear Roof Moisture Surveys reveal the true internal condition of your roofing system, even with challenging scenarios like ballasted roofs and deep assemblies.
nuclear testing

Make informed decisions about your roofing system based on deep-penetrating, quantitative moisture data.

At IR Analyzers, our team is trained in the latest nuclear moisture detection technology. Our Certified Technicians use highly sensitive Nuclear Roof Moisture Gauges to pinpoint locations of water damage in a wide range of roofing systems.

Nuclear Testing can detect moisture deeper in the assembly, providing an accurate picture of your roof's internal condition. You received detailed AutoCAD® maps that pinpoint the extent of moisture damage.
nuclear gauge equipment

Why Choose Our Nuclear Roof Moisture Surveys?

Highly Sensitive, Deep Detection
Reveal your roof's internal conditions with a scan that identifies moisture deeper in the system than Infrared Testing.
Versatile & Complementary
Nuclear is the only accurate method for testing single-ply roofs with rock ballast and an excellent cross-check / backup technology for Infrared and Capacitance Testing.
Spec Driven, Cost-effective and Unbiased
Get professional, unbiased third-party testing you can trust, saving you time and money while meeting (TAS) 126-95 and ANSI/SPRI/RCI NT-1 requirements.

How Nuclear Roof Moisture Surveys Work

Our nuclear surveys use a principle called neutron moderation to detect moisture:

Neutron Emission and Hydrogen Detection
Tiny neutrons are emitted from an isotopic source. These neutrons collide with hydrogen ions, and the gauge provides a numerical readout of hydrogen levels.

Speed Measurement and Baseline Establishment
We detect changes in the speed of the emitted neutrons, which slow down upon collision with hydrogen. Then we account for the baseline hydrogen content of dry roofing materials. Elevated hydrogen levels indicate moisture damage—H2O

Grid Measurement and Data Analysis
Surveys are typically conducted on a 10' x 10' grid pattern across the entire roof surface. Using statistical and visualization tools, we convert the raw data into an AutoCAD® map of moisture penetration.


nuclear gauge schematic

Make Informed Roofing Decisions

With our Nuclear Roof Moisture Surveys, you can:

  • Identify and target problem areas for effective, cost-efficient repairs.
  • Accurately assess single-ply roofs with rock ballast, untestable with Infrared and Capacitance technologies
  • Extend the life of your roofing system through informed maintenance.
  • Cross-check results from other testing methods for comprehensive roof assessment.

Don't let hidden deep moisture compromise your roof's integrity. Our Nuclear Roof Moisture Surveys provide the accurate, scientific information you need to make smart roofing decisions, even for challenging roof types.


Reveal your roof's true internal condition. Request a quote today and eliminate the guesswork in your roofing decisions.

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