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ELD Fusion® Testing for Complete Membrane Coverage

Next-Generation Electronic Leak Detection Equipment for 100% Coverage
Get 100% testing coverage by combining detection methods.
Test horizontal and vertical surfaces with a single solution.
Save time and money by efficiently testing your entire membrane system.

Don’t let hidden breaches in your roofing membrane lead to costly damage and project delays.

Traditional ELD test methods often miss critical areas, leaving your project vulnerable to future complications and liability issues. While standard Electric Field Vector Mapping excels at testing large, open areas, it often fails at critical points like penetrations, parapets, and transitions from horizontal to vertical surfaces.
You need a comprehensive solution that can effectively test every surface type on your roofing project.

Take the next step in Electronic Leak Detection with IR Analyzers.

With over 15 years of experience and 10,000+ nationwide surveys completed, our Certified Technicians utilize state-of-the-art Electronic Leak Detection equipment to deliver unmatched accuracy and efficiency in membrane testing.

Get Comprehensive Coverage with ELD Fusion®

Our ELD Fusion® inspections uniquely combine High and Low Voltage Electronic Leak Detection methodologies to provide 100% peace of mind that your membrane will be leak-free.

This innovative approach merges traditional Electric Field Vector Mapping (wet testing) for large horizontal areas with High Voltage ELD (dry testing) for vertical surfaces and transitions. 

Standard Electric Field Vector Mapping methodology excels at wide-open areas but typically doesn't address the areas requiring the most careful and conscientious work—penetrations, parapets and curbs, flashings, and transitions from horizontal to vertical surfaces.

Our two-pronged ELD test approach ensures complete coverage:

  • Electric Field Vector Mapping covers large horizontal surfaces
  • High Voltage ELD addresses vertical surfaces, flashings, and transitions
  • Overlapping coverage ensures no area goes untested

With ELD Fusion®, we've got you covered – completely!


Key Benefits of ELD Fusion®

  • Complete Coverage: 100% membrane testing on both horizontal and vertical surfaces
  • Immediate Solutions: Fast breach detection with on-the-spot repairs
  • Quality Assurance: Breach-Free Certification issued after repairs and retesting
  • Schedule-Friendly: Minimal impact on construction timelines
  • Superior Alternative: Much more accurate and reliable than traditional flood testing
  • Precision Detection: Identifies all breaches, even pinhole and capillary action leaks
  • Maximum Efficiency: Fast, efficient, and cost-effective testing solution

Versatile Applications

ELD Fusion® is ideal for:

  • Roofing and waterproofing systems (excluding metal-coated and carbon-black EPDM membranes)
  • IRMAs and PMRs with conductive structural decks or TruGround® Conductive Primer
  • Flashings and parapet walls
  • Green roofs (pre-overburden)
  • Plaza decks and podiums
  • Pools, parking garages, and tank liners
  • Quality assurance
  • Warranty verification
  • Membrane integrity testing

All testing complies with ASTM Standard D7877, ensuring industry-standard quality and reliability.

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Take Control of Your Project's Success

Don't let hidden membrane breaches compromise your project's integrity. With ELD Fusion®, you'll have complete confidence in your roofing system's watertight performance, backed by comprehensive testing and professional certification.
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